January 7, 2014

The Greatness Bubblies

Ever feel your insides bubble up? I'm not talking about that bubbly feeling after eating a 5-bean burrito. I'm taking about greatness! Excitement about your life. Exhilaration about your future. What do you do when that happens? Do you let it run wild and become overwhelmed? Or do you try to quench it out of fear of the greatness?
Both can be hindering to your progress. I've experienced both and both have led me to me doing nothing. When I experience the exhilaration of the greatness within sometimes I get so overwhelmed that I can't channel it. I just get excited and nothing. No action comes from it.
Other times I get the greatness bubblies and I get scared. Fear rises. I get in my head too much. I start thinking of all the work and responsibility. I think about how I haven't gotten to that level yet and don't know how to do that. Or I give way to fears of inadequacy that tell me I can't be that greatness. And I do just what I do when I'm overwhelmed with excitement and enthusiasm...nothing.
But there are those times when I get the greatness bubblies and I'm able to channel them to action. I'm able to squash any fear and doubt and move forward with it. What makes those times different? My ability to stop and acknowledge my trust in God who has placed that greatness within me. I have to stop and take a breath and sometimes say out loud, "God I receive this gift of greatness and will trust you to guide me into it." This settles my anxiety and my overwhelemed-ness. It acknowledges the Source of my greatness, God. And makes a declaration of trust. That's important because the pressure is no longer mine to bear alone. No longer do I have do and be but We (God & I) are in this together. I find it reassuring and comforting.
Once I've calmed myself I am able to channel that energy into action. I usually write down what I saw or what I heard that started the greatness bubblies. Then I brainstorm how that may come to be or who I need to talk with. Perhaps I need to do some research online to get more information. Sometimes the action is simply to write it down in a visible place so it can stay at the forefront of my thoughts. It never fails that sometime in the near future I get another bubbling of greatness and it links to a previous thought. And I get clear about the next step.
The progression of this over time leads to the very greatness we once saw but now experience. This is a continuous process because God is always refining us in His image. And because He is Great, we too have greatness within us. Let it bubble up!
When you get the greatness bubblies:
  • Embrace the greatness and the bubbles that it brings.
  • Acknowledge and give gratitude to the Source of your greatness, God.
  • Write down what you saw or heard that triggered the greatness bubblies.
  • Brainstorm how you will get to that greatness.
  • Do one thing that will give you the last resistance toward your vision first.Then tackle the more challenging tasks.
  • Keep the trigger of the greatness bubblies in a visible place as it will spark and link to other greatness bubblies.

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